Counseling » Bio - Mrs. Pagaduan

Bio - Mrs. Pagaduan

Mrs. Pagaduan

/Mrs. Pagaduan is our Student Data Technician at Oak Valley Middle School.   She was blessed to become a stay at home mom  to care for her identical twin boys and their older brother.  She loved every minute of her time with her boys.  Being part of a Navy family when she was growing up, she’s no stranger to moving.  She has lived in Florida, Virginia, Philippines and Hawaii – before finally ending up in beautiful San Diego.  Mrs. Pagaduan received her Business Administration from San Diego State University.  She loves spending time with her family.  Being in a household full of boys, one of the things they enjoy most and LOVE to do as a family is EAT!  Her family motto has always been to always treat others as you would like to be treated.